Sunday, February 7, 2010

He can walk!

Yes, Alex has finally started walking! He has been able to walk quite confidently holding only one hand for a few weeks now, so we knew it wasn't far away, and lo and behold, the other night he finally let go of the lounge and started walking. He's still a little wobbly, and quite often falls forward, but our little boy is definitely not a baby anymore.

The funniest thing is that he keeps clapping himself as soon as he lets go, probably copying us clapping him, but it's quite cute. He frequently loses his balance due to his clapping.

He hasn't progressed much with his speech in the last week or so, but his favourite word is still "go". He loves to shout it when we're stopped at the traffic lights and they turn green, or any time we see anything with Diego on it. His other favourite word is "gone", usually coupled with his hands turned out, and usually straight after throwing his cup/sandwich/dinner onto the floor from his high chair. He is working on "bird", "grandma/grandpa", "pop" and "nan", but at the moment, they're really only recognisable by us.

We're still struggling with sleep, but the last few nights haven't been too bad. The last two nights, he only work once or twice before ten pm, but then slept through until morning. And, shock horror, we didn't have the usual two hour screaming episode before he went to sleep tonight. I feel so much more relaxed right now. I still haven't slept the last few nights, even if he has. I think my brain and body are still constantly on edge, waiting for him to start crying.

We have also realised that one of the reasons he does wake up is because he hits his head on the side or end of the cot. So we have decided to invest in a cot bumper. I want to get one to hopefully help with his sleeping, and potential head injuries, but part of me still has the "cot bumpers are evil" message ringing out, even though they are allegedly safe for over twelve month olds. I guess I need to decide if I can let those fears go, or if I want him to continue getting his limbs stuck in the side of the cot, or constantly bumping his noggin.

I might need to do some more research!

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